Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I did it

I went to my doctor today and told him I knew I was going into depression and asked to be put back on prozac. He had to ask me what my symptoms were so I played along letting him do the doctor thing and then he agreed I was depressed. It didnt take a brain surgeon to figure that one out lol. The way its affecting me the most is Im sooooo dead tired all the time if my body would cooperate with me for once I would sleep my day away and honeslty Im not too much of a sleeper. Give me five hours of uninterupted sleep and Im good to go. Sleeping more then that is a waste of time to me there are so many other things Id rather be doing. My ambition is suffering too so I didnt want to wait until I was deep in the throes of depression before I sought help for it. I want to kick this in the butt instead of it kicking mine.