Ok what would you expect from a self proclaimed procrastinator? And a busy one at that! I have been outed once again on ScrapJazz for not updating my blog and once again it spurs me on to at least post here but I cant promise its going to be a regular thing lol.
Ok whats new? Hmmmm lots and nothing much all at the same time. Im super busy at work but I am coming off of working the night shifts and thats a good thing for me physically because it was too draining on me and made it impossible for me to regulate my insulin since Im a diabetic. The past few weeks Im putting in a average of 70 hours a week but hopefully soon it will lesson some. Im going to be working split shifts which means I go in twice a day but for less hours Ill be working 6-8 am then 230-830 Mon thru Friday. I think I can live with having weekends off after having worked weekends on a regular basis for over a year now. Im also moving to a new group home within my company. Ill miss my guys who I have come to love but the new clients are cool too and Im going to love them as well.
Caitlin is finally going back to the hospital where she can get the help she needs. Florida is so lame when it comes to mental health care they should be totally ashamed. They let this kid fall thru the cracks because there are no services here and that is a tradgedy and purely disgusting. Its because of this I regret moving to Florida but now Im stuck here.
My son is doing better but not back on his meds since he had that seizure which caused him to stop breathing and thank God I was home to give him CPR and keep him alive. He has been fighting the coxsackie virus for a couple of months with a relapse so Im not going to put him back on his medication until i as his mother feel it is safe. I have already lost 2 children and I refuse to lose another. When the school found out he still wasnt being medicated they sent out a social worker to my home who wanted to know why. I explained the above to her and she said oh my thats a difficult situation. I looked her square in the face and told her not its not its very simple He isnt going back on a medication that could cause him to have a grand mal seizure and stop breathing on me again. Plain and simple. Thats it thats all thats the way it is and they way its going to be until I see fit otherwise that he can safely be back on the meds. Try and fight me on this Florida and you'll be in for a bigger battle then you have ever seen.
Glenn and I are doing good even though Im not engaged like I would like to be but we are happy and thats what matters. Love is grand