Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I met Gretchen Wilson

I am a country music and was delighted to meet her.As most of you know I work for the Key Training Center at a group home for devlopmentally disabled adults and every year there is a concert that attracts big name country music stars and they do a benefit for the Key........well this year Gretchen Wilson and Blake Shelton put on the concert and I got to meet talk to and welcome Gretchen Wilson when she came to a meet and greet at the Key Center our clients sang her a song and then they line danced to one of Gretchens songs and she joined in with them and my clients didnt miss a beat I was so proud of them and was glad to see gretchen is a nice lady. She is very personable very very down to earth I wasnt nervous in the least bit. She didnt look famous at all lol just like a ordinary lady. I sure wished that Blake would have shown up but then Id have made a danged fool out of myself drooling that boy is a beauty


Anonymous said...

That is so cool. I bet she was impressed with their line dancing!

Georgina said...

I absolutely LOVE country music!! If only we had stars like Gretchen visit us in our line dance classes!! LOL my lot qould go mad!!